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Moodle Subtitle

Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is the enterprise learning management system supported by LSU. Moodle is designed to provide educators and students with an easily accessible online course tool. It promotes a social constructionist pedagogy (which includes collaboration, activity-based learning, critical reflection, etc.).


Instructors can host course content for mainframe-created academic courses but can also request non-academic course shells. Community Moodle courses are intended for departmental training and resource sharing. Master courses are empty course shells that never contain students and may be used by faculty as a building space to create course content for future use and continued innovation.


Each LSU campus maintains its own Moodle site. We have regular or academic Moodle ( as well as the Online Moodle for LSU Online courses ( created courses, excluding traditional upper level graduate courses, auto-create course shells in Moodle assigned to the primary instructor.

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