Learn & Geaux Video
In this video, we explain how Moodle books, pages, and labels can be used to organize varying types and amounts of content. We provide guidance on using the Moodle toolbar to create headings, insert tables, and use the accessibility checker. The video also makes recommendations on the amount of content to include in a resource and how to effectively balance media and text to support students' comprehension without overwhelming them.
Associated Resources
GROK article: Moodle Activities & Resources: Adding and Editing a Book Resource (opens in new tab)
GROK article: Moodle Activities & Resources: Add a Label (opens in new tab)
GROK article: Moodle Activities & Resources: Add a Page (opens in new tab)
GROK article: Using the Moodle Text Editor (opens in new tab)
GROK article: Panopto: Embed a Video Through the Atto Editor in Moodle (opens in new tab)