Timely and constructive feedback provides students with an actionable path to progress. When instructors provide positive feedback to reinforce strengths and constructive feedback for areas that need improvement, students are more easily able to identify errors and eventually develop strategies for tackling weak points themselves. This page includes strategies for providing meaningful and timely feedback.
Regulation Alert!
Regular and Substantive Interaction: A strong instructor presence and regular constructive interactions with qualified faculty differentiate a quality online course from a correspondence course. This basic premise forms the foundation of the Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) rule established by the Department of Education. Our students are eligible for financial aid because of the RSI component in our online courses as compared to correspondence courses. The Regular and Substantive Interaction in Online Courses (opens in new tab) document provides guidelines for incorporating RSI in online courses. Additionally, check out Module 4 in the Faculty Resources for Learning Design & Teaching course (opens in new tab) to learn more about RSI components that must be included in all online courses.