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Time-on-Task Calculator

Course Workload Estimator

Time-on-task is the total learning time spent by a student in a course, including instructional time as well as time spent studying and completing course assignments (e.g., reading, research, writing, individual and group projects). Calculating the estimated student time-on-task for your course is crucial for federal regulation compliance and meeting expectations for course workload based on the number of credit hours awarded. The "Carnegie unit" can be used to determine how many hours per week a student should be spending on course materials: according to the Carnegie unit, students should be expected to spend 3 hours per week for every 1 credit hour in a course. For example, a 3-hour credit course, irrespective of course duration, should have an estimated student engagement and study time totaling roughly 135 hours. Regardless of the delivery method (online, blended, or face-to-face) or the type of activities used, the amount of learning time in any course should meet the guideline of the Carnegie unit.

You can use the Enhanced Course Workload Estimator below to calculate your student time-on-task and make adjustments as needed. For instructions on how to use this calculator and interpret its results, please see Course Workload Estimator: Estimation Details (opens in new tab)  .