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Moodle Site Integration

April 19, 2023

Starting in summer 2023 and moving forward, the LSU Online Moodle site ( (opens in new tab)  ) will be integrated with the LSU campus Moodle site ( (opens in new tab)  ). This is part of an ongoing effort to reduce the number of Moodle sites where faculty, staff, and students instruct and take courses. This will include the following changes: 

If you currently teach for LSU Online, we recommend that you update any browser bookmarks you might have that point to

Finding your courses

Both LSU A&M (Baton Rouge) and LSU Online courses after 2023 First Summer will be found on your My Courses page of (opens in new tab)  .

Screenshot of Courses tab

Screenshot of LSUOnline tab

Backups and importing content

Very soon, semester backup files for LSU Online will be moved to the LSU Moodle site. This means that instructors will be able to import materials into the LSU campus Moodle site from LSU Online courses through Simple Restore (see GROK 20291 (opens in new tab)  ). Conversely, instructors will not be able to use Selective Import (see GROK 20209 (opens in new tab)  ) to access LSU Online materials created previous to the 2023 First Summer term. In addition:

Please note that courses must be smaller than 500 MB to use Simple Restore. If your course is larger than 500 MB, you will be unable to back up or restore it.