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Summer 2023 Moodle Updates

April 19, 2023

As the summer begins, we want to share some exciting news and updates from the LSU Online & Continuing Education Academic Technology team. We would like to remind you that the FTC provides Moodle support, consultations, and innovative solutions to faculty and graduate teaching assistants tailored to their individual teaching. Services include workshops and webinars, customized workshops by request, one-on-one consultations, and virtual assistance. Contact the FTC by:

We would also like to share some updates and information regarding our Moodle sites and instructional tools that you may use in your courses.

Moodle Updates

Integration of LSU Campus Moodle and LSU Online Moodle Sites

Starting in summer 2023 and moving forward, the LSU Online Moodle site ( (opens in new tab)  ) will be integrated with the LSU campus Moodle site ( (opens in new tab)  ). This is part of an ongoing effort to reduce the number of Moodle sites where faculty, staff, and students instruct and take courses. If you currently teach for LSU Online, we recommend that you update any browser bookmarks you might have that point to (opens in new tab)  . For more information see Moodle Site Integration update (opens in new tab)  .

Moodle My Courses Page Updates

Implemented March 2023: To help users better find and organize their courses, we have created a new tab system on the My Courses page. The My Courses page contains course cards linked to all courses in which a user is currently enrolled. Starting March 12 all HRM training courses appeared in the HRM tab and all Master courses appeared in the Masters tab leaving just current live courses in the Courses tab. Starting in the summer of 2023, this will also include LSU Online courses. Current LSU Online courses will be found in the LSUOnline tab, and courses on the old LSU Online site will be found in the Archives tab.

Scheduled Forum Posts

Some instructors have expressed the desire to pre-schedule announcements or display forum posts during a specific window of time, before and after which the post is not visible to students. To allow this, we are enabling timed posts in the forum activity. This will allow instructors to make temporary posts.

The setting is found under Advanced, after clicking to begin an original discussion, topic, or question. This functionality is not available for replies or the single simple discussion forum type. See GROK 20560 (opens in new tab)   for more information.

Forum Post Editing Window Change

Currently, users have the ability to edit a forum post within one hour of posting. In a Q & A forum, this means that users must wait until after the editing window closes to see and respond to other users’ posts. To accommodate users who may be short on time, we have decided to reduce the editing window for forum posts to 30 minutes. After 30 minutes pass, the post becomes permanent and Q & A forum posts will be visible.

Software Updates

Enhanced Proctoring Security

Meazure Learning (formerly ProctorU) has released Guardian Browser, a lockable browser for ProctorU sessions that streamlines exam launch and provides a seamless student experience. Test takers will download the browser as part of their exam preparation, and it can be removed when not in use. During the exam session, Guardian monitors the student’s computer for potential breaches during the exam, such as the use of hotkeys, copy/paste, and hardware detection. Guardian can be used in conjunction with a live proctor or for an automated session. We will share more information as it becomes available! Check in with ProctorU’s Guardian Proctoring Browser Resources (opens in new tab)   for more information.

As always, we appreciate the opportunity to serve the LSU community. Have a great semester, and Geaux Tigers!